City of Heroes Page

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So How do I get on the Test Server?

Screen Shots from CoH

Some of my heroes
Tanker Secrets ....

OK, here's the deal.  A tanker wants to be in the middle of the fight, not out on the fringe. As such, actions of the tanker are very important to keep them focused on individual targets.  

To reduce the need to manually direct the tanker using mouse/keyboard commands you can set up either MACROS or KEYBINDS.  Right now I have the macros set up, so we'll go with those. 

This macro causes the hero to target the closest enemy... they could be standing next to him/her or could be a block away.. (a good way to visually check out neighborhoods for possible villains)

Here's the macro as it should be typed into CoH command line including quotes and all. 

/macro TGT "target_enemy_near"

*See below for substitutes for targeting

This macro causes the hero to follow whatever is targeted, friend or foe. A 'followed' villain can be chased across town, but can be lost on buildings, stairs, etc. Chasing down a villain is great fun, and you can almost sit back and watch the action!

Here's the macro as it should be typed into CoH command line including quotes and all. 

/macro FLW "follow$$" 

Alright, now that the macros are built (they drop into the power tray) let's get down to details. 

  1. Use the TGT button on the power bar to target your enemy from a distance, (can be a block away even.) 
  2. Choose the power you want to use from the power bar, it will highlight with red.  For a tanker the MACE or AXE are best using gash or chop. The axe is very successful as a weapon with these macros. 
    -This stages the power, because at this point you are too far away for close range attacks.
  3. Now for the important part, choose the FLW button from the power bar. Your tanker (or other hero) will now run towards the targeted villain within striking distance of close range weapons.  
  4. The tanker should now attack the villain with the preset attack, but you have to re-queue each attack, so keep on that in mind.
  5. Once the target is vanquished use the TGT button again to select next close target. Remember you may have to turn around to target them.
  6. Recycle and reuse 3 -5 for the number of opponents in the group you melee. 
  7. These instruction work for a quick build of a tanker to at least level 7... my current level.


*Substitutes if you want to create other macros for specific purposes -

target_enemy_far  Target farthest enemy
target_enemy_next Target next farther enemy from your current target (wraps)
target_enemy_prev Target next nearer enemy from your current target (wraps)
target_friend_near Target nearest friend
target_friend_far Target farthest friend
target_friend_next Target next farther friend from your current target (wraps)
target_friend_prev Target next nearer friend from your current target (wraps)